Become the Lead Guest Editor

Become the Lead Guest Editor, Publish One Article for Free

Science Publishing Group (SciencePG) sincerely invites all proposals that align with the aims and scopes of our journals. The objectives of the special issues are to bring together recent high-quality research, promote key advances in theory and applications, and provide overviews of emerging domains.

Note: You can serve as the lead guest editor only after your Proposal Form has been approved.

Lead Guest Editor publish one article free of charge

As the lead guest editor, you will have the opportunity to publish one article free of charge upon successful completion of the review process.

If you are interested in proposing a special issue, please download the special issue proposal form and complete the required information. Once the form is filled out, you can submit it using one of the following three ways:

Option 1: Quick Submission

Selected Journal:*
Select a journal based on the subject of your proposed special issue. Click here >

Alternatively, you can click here to choose a different journal that is better suited for your Special Issue.

Select a journal
Step 1-Please select a subject  *
  • Subject
Step 2-Please select a journal  *
Journal Title

1. Please select your research subject in the left column first.
2. Then select a journal for which you would like to propose a Special Issue in the right column.

Cancel Confirm
Upload Proposal: *
Email Address:*

A follow-up email will be sent to the given email address within 3 working days.

Verification Code: *

Option 2: Online Submission

For unregistered users, please register at
For registered users, please log in at

Once you're logged in, click on "Propose a Special Issue" under the "Special Issue" section.

Option 3: Email Submission

The completed proposal form can also be submitted by email to

Please type "Journal Title Special Issue Proposal" as the subject of your email.

Benefits and Responsibilities of the (Lead) Guest Editor

The special issue will be composed of a lead guest editor and a team of guest editors. The lead guest editor is encouraged to invite researchers from related fields to join the special issue as guest editors. Whether you serve as the lead guest editor or one of guest editors, you will be entitled to the following benefits while also shouldering corresponding responsibilities:

Benefits Lead Guest Editor Guest Editor
Be awarded a certificate of honor (electronic version)
Get your name listed on the journal's website
Be at the forefront of scientific communications
Contribute to and receive recognition from the academic community
Assemble and work with a strong team of editors
Responsibilities Lead Guest Editor Guest Editor
Recruit a guest editor team to review the manuscripts submitted to the special issue
Promote your special issue and invite authors to submit manuscripts
Make decisions on the acceptance or rejection of submitted manuscripts
Cross-check the manuscripts and ensure their quality
Conduct peer review for the manuscripts submitted to the special issue
Ensure that the peer review process is fair, unbiased, and timely
Detailed Guide on Special Issue Proposals

The following sections will guide you on how to successfully propose a special issue. A well-structured special issue should encompass an appropriate title, a comprehensive description, and a proficient editorial team.

Propose a Special Issue Title

When proposing your special issue title, there are specific rules to follow:

The title should be concise yet descriptive for your special issue;
The title should signify the primary research focus, which is the core element of the title;
The title is advised to incorporate two or three core terms.

Write a Description

Specifically, the description should include at least 3 components:

The background of this research;
The aim of this special issue (such as the problems to be solved, etc.);
The subjects of this special issue (such as a list of key subjects or topics to be covered).

Recruit an Editorial Team

The special issue will be composed of a lead guest editor and a team of guest editors.

The qualification of guest editors will be reviewed to ensure they meet the editorial requirements of this journal.

For further guidance, please click the following link: